Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Iruvar - The Duo

The opening credits of the film states ‘THIS IS NOT A TRUE STORY”.
“Right..!”, I chuckled to myself.

IRUVAR – The Duo, traces the lives of MGR and Karunanidhi with the Dravidian political movement as background.

Almost a decade after the movie was released, I decided to watch it.I cant figure out why I had missed a Maniratnam movie for so long.I simply cannot..

All I remember is K,my best friend,crying out “You have not seen Iruvar??!! Come on…”.

I was introduced to Dravidian politics at K’s house. K and I were in 12th standard then, in 1997-98.
K’s parents had lands and her father practiced agriculture.They were Dravidians, I guess in that sense. K’s parents believed in idealogies,took active interest in politics,Tamil,analysed and compared the functioning of leaders and could trace all prominent Tamilnadu politician’s growth in the party.

“Pagutharivu” /Rational thinking ,Self-respect -Dravidian movement’s founding idealogies,Party’s principles,MGR’s legacy etc were frequent dinner time topics.

“If the guy who cleans the sewer was not allowed inside the house, then you should think about the reason behind this! It is because he eats beef and as a result stinks. He does manual work all day.He needs to eat something that would give him strength.That is why he eats meat.And that is the reason he was not allowee inside.You should not blindly brand him an outcast.You should think for yourself!!!!”, K’s mother would cry out passionately.

“Kalignyar is an able administrator.Its not a joke to manage a party of this level.There are the senior party members,well-wishers,party cadres…Everybody should be satisified.Elections are won not by leaders,but by the party cadres.They are the ones who work tirelessly to make sure that the party wins. Only a good leader can motivate them to work for the party...”, K’s father outlined party dynamics for me.

They referred DMK by “Kazhagam”,Karunanidhi as “Kalignyar”,Anabzhagan as “Perasiriyar”(Professor) while talking about them.Discussions were held late into the night about Moopanaar’s indecisiveness,Vai Ko’s departure from DMK(the first time around),Amma’s arrogance.It was a fascinating world – politics and tamil film industry.

Politics was a part and parcel of their way of living unlike ours,a typical middle class brahmin family.It entered our lives only during the annual railway and union budget.Train fares,tax cuts,LPG prices – these were our only ties with politics and occasionally potholes.Dravidian movement had branded us feudal landlords,aryans,sanskrit spouting academics,who had repressed the Dravidians in the name of caste,religious rituals and superstitions.Elections had been won on promises to restore Tamilnadu to Tamilians.

So my parents’ held a “healthy” brahminical contempt and indifference towards Dravidian politics.We looked the other way, read our “HINDU” ,drank filter coffee and continued to vote for the non existant Congress until BJP came along.

A brief flicker of interest was aroused when the convent educated English speaking AMMA came first to power .“Can he string together atleast two words in English like her?? pshaw!!” , the brahmins rubbed their hands and chuckled in unconcealed glee. Alas! It was shortlived. The flicker was snuffed out forever after she implemented 69% reservation.We were better off,before she came,everybody sighed.

Given the background, I am sure you will agree with me when I say that the storyline is highly controvesial and very contemporary. What Maniratnam had undertaken was nothing less than a tight-walk rope over a bed of nails with a knife pointed at his neck,ready to bleed him to death ,if he so much as shook his body slightly. Believe me, I am not exaggerating.

It is with some trepidation then that I started watching “IRUVAR”.But Maniratnam acquits himself in a way,I would have never imagined!

Maniratnam’s “IRUVAR” is the story of two people – a poet and an actor , their friendship ,their dreams and their ambitions.It is just a convenient co-incidence that their lifestory resembles two people from Tamilnadu politics and film indusrty.Nothing more and nothing less!

Anandan, a struggling actor from Kerala and Tamilchelvam, a poet and activist strike a friendship on the sets of Anandan’s first film as a hero.The actor is a fan of the poet. He knows that with the help of the poet’s fiery pen,he can reach the masses like nobody else can! His instinct turns out to be right.He becomes a Star.And no ordinary Star at that! The mass worship the very land he treads on.He himself does not understand the adulation showered on him or realise the power that is all his to grasp!

It is Tamilchelvam who opens Anadan’s eyes to what he has been offered in a brilliantly conceived scene.

Anandan is dragged from his lunch to the terrace by Tamilchelvam.He urges Anandan to go and look. Anandan walks to the edge of the terrace and is puzzled to see a huge crowd, gathered to catch a glimpse of him.Cries of joy erupt from below on seeing him. Tamilchelvam raises Anandan’s hesitant hand aloft to wave and Santosh Sivan’s camera rises along with their hands and looks down at the people who have become putty in those hands.

“This is the power of people.This is what Lenin Stalin and Hitler slogged to attain.The power to reach the masses”, Tamilchelvam points out.

“I am just an actor”, Anandan protests.

“They don’t think like that.They have carved your figure in their hearts.They will even give their life for your sake.What are you going to do with this?”

“What should I do?” ,Anandan does not know.

“You should make use of this.You should increase it thousand fold for the party.Everything depends on your face and the silverscreen “ instructs Tamilchelvam.

As A R Rehman’s brilliant score soars over us, Anandan ever the quick learner, removes his scarf and throws it to the people gathered below, whipping them into a frenzy.

Together they dream of a casteless society without corruption or abuse of power or poverty.They envision a society where power and responsibility go hand in hand and where their Tamil flourishes..

Anandan also later joins the party.Though he is sincere and respects the party principles and leaders, he has joined the party only to further his ambitions as an actor.Tamilchelvam rightly guesses his motive and resents it.He also begins to get jealous of Anandan’s popularity.He tries to block Anandan’s rise in the party by opposing the leader Veluthambi’s(C.N Annadurai) decision to field him in the election

.Later when he is elected as Chief Minister with Anandan’s support, he refuses to make him a minister.
“You can have whatever you want, if you stop acting.It is not my decision.It is the executive committee’s decision”, Tamilchelvam tells Anandan,when Anandan expresses his interest to become the Health minister.

Inspite of this Anandan does not allow his supporters to badmouth Tamilchelvam.But everything crumbles soon after the death of Veluthambi.Anandan asks to see the financial accounts of the party and is expelled from the party.He then launches his own party and rest is history.

Anandan’s popularity keeps him in power for the next decade.None can defeat him.But unexpectedly,Anandan dies in his sleep on the eve of the third election .Anandan’s death causes great pain anguish to Tamilchelvam and the movie ends with a grieving Tamilchelvam,the poet in him reciting a eulogy for his dead friend.

Maniratnam focuses mainly on the relation between the friends,keeping the rest in background.MGR’s populistic schemes,the corruption in both the regimes,the controversial Gupta commision report , the political rhetoric of the parties, their lovelives – all are covered in the passing.Though Kalpana, Jayalalitha’s character, is devoted considerable amount of time.Curiously,she gets killed in an accident.I believe it could be because Maniratnam would have preferred to end the movie with a grieving Tamilchelvam,than with a Kalpana coming to power.After all the movie is about friendship.

Also, the movie is very culture speicifc.It takes for granted that you are aware of certain incidents,facts and the then prevailing political atmosphere making it difficult for outsiders to relate to the movie.But then,it is their loss !!

“IRUVAR’S” casting is nothing short of brilliant,with the exception of ofcourse Aishwarya Rai.She looks breathtakingly beautiful as Anandan’s first wife.But as Kalpana (Jayalalitha supposedly resembles MGR’s dead first wife.So Aishwarya Rai plays both Anandan’s first wife and after her death comes again in the role of Jayalalitha), she is a pain to watch.

Mohan Lal, the malayalee actor is just perfect as Anandan what with MGR himself being a malayalee.

There is this scene with the Police commissioner Nair ,who tells Anandan, the CM then , that Tamilchelvam has been arrested (for protesting against the suppression of the Gupta commision report). The commissioner assures him that Anandan has emerged victorious in the whole mess.

“You call this victory?! “ Anandan asks Nair and momentarily slips into malayalam
“Pazhaya kootukaaranai jailil aakkiyadho?”(Sending my old friend to jail?)..
Brilliant..just brilliant!

Interestingly,Suhasini Maniratnam has penned the dialogues.I would have never guessed she had so much in her.Good job lady!

The struggling actor, the Star, the lover, the friend who feels betrayed , the successful politician – Mohan Lal’s acting brings out all the nuances of his character.

But more than Mohan Lal, it is Prakash Raj as Karunanidhi who is the most impressive.He fits the Dravidian politican role to a tee.He deserved the national award for ‘Best supporting actor’. His tamil diction is impeccable.He is a Kannadiga,mind you! Inspite of that Arvindswamy has lent his voice for Tamilchelvam’s poetry renditions. Mr.Swamy gets the emotions right, but his La-Zha pronounciations, where lies the beauty of Tamil language, makes you wince.It is surprising that nobody bothered to correct it!!!!

Revathi,Tabu,Nasser,Delhi Ganesan,’Nizhalgal’ Ravi, all play their role perfectly.

Since Tamilchelvam is a poet,we get to hear some wonderful tamil poetry, thanks to Vairamuthu.His pennings - be it for the revolutionary tamil hero,whom Anandan plays in the silver screen, or the one for Tamilchelvam’s description of his love for Tabu – do not fail to give you goosebumps.

Maniratnam has undertaken to paint a mammoth canvas,which spans close to four decades…four decades of Tamil movies,politics and life. And succeeds brilliantly. He is aided splendidly in this job by A R Rehman.The 50’s classical based songs,the 60’s MSV-Ramamurthi’s melodies,the 70’s jazz(??) music and the typical MGR fare – everything is provided by ARR with perfection.

Inspite of all this,the movie failed at the box office!!! The reason, I believe is Maniratnam’s Anandan and Tamilchelvam are nothing like the audience’s idea of MGR and Karunanidhi. To sculpt his MGR and Karunanidhi ,he has whittled down all their negative traits and has retained only that was good and pure in them ..Anandan,the ambitious actor,the charmer,the dreamer, the do-gooder and Tamilchelvam , the poet,the socialist,the reformist,the champion for the cause of Tamil – both good friends with a little jealousy and ego between them.

The non-believers would have been irked by the idealism portrayed by the characters, the believers would have been hurt to see that their leaders are not flawless and the ordinary men would have found it difficult to relate to these people,for its true as Mani claims in the beginning - they are fictional!

Yes Mr.Ratnam,I agree with you! Your story is not a true story.For you talk about what could have been,not what was ! It is fictional alright!


The day before Anandan dies,Tamilchelvam and he, accidentally meet at the marriage of a common friend.Anandan on his own accord walks and sits next to Tamilchelvam.As the photographers start clicking furiously, both sit without exchanging a word, but their heart reverberates with old emotions.As Anandan gets up to leave,he slips and Tamilchelvam immediately leans to catch him.He notices that his friend looks ill.

“Anandan,what is wrong?” , worry creases Tamilchelvam’s forehead.

“Nothing…I am fine”,Anandan smiles.

“Udal mannukku,uyir tamizhukku !!” (The body is for the earth,but life is for Tamil) he jokes, referring to their youth’s passion.Tamilchelvam laughs with him.

“With election round the corner,we cannot be seen smiling thus in public!”,Anandan pats his friend and leaves.

The next day,when Tamilchelvam gets the news he cannot believe it!He rushes to see his friend.But he is asked to wait out, as Anandan’s body is being dressed.A touch of irony here as makeup is being shown applied to the dead Anandan – an actor to the end.

Tamilchelvam is unable to share his pain with anybody there..(Bloody brilliant acting my Prakash Raj here).There is nobody there who can relate to his pain,much less believe him .He tries to ask the yound doctor present there,but words fail him.The Commissioner talks to him about security concerns!! He leaves without seeing his body.

The climax alternates between shots of Anandan’s funeral procession and Tamilchelvam reciting eulogy to his friend in their meeting place of yonder!…

Ennarum thozhane,idayathu nanbane !
Manikka mazhayae,maraindhu vittaya?
Munnoru pozhudil,meesai mulaikkira vayadil,
Or ilayil sorundom..
Oru paayil kan malarndom..
Anda ninaivugalin kanneeril, nenjukuzhi niraikiradhu..

Nam kangal vevveru,kanavugal onrundaan!!
Nam nejnam vevveru, ninaivugal onrudhaan!!
Nam kottaigal vevvru, kozhgaigal onrudhaa!!

Edhilum mundi vara thudikkum munaipullavane..
Saavilum ennai mundi sarithiram ayinayo?

En vetrikku malai thanda karam enge?
En vizhi neerai sunditivitta viral enge?
Kuzhal konda isayaaga konjunginra kural enge?
En muthuvel vasanathai muthamitta uthadu enge?
Ennai oor naal sumandu yetri vandda thol enge?

Ini paarkave mattaya nanba?

ELLin munai alavum ippozhudu kasappillai
Pullin nuni alavum ippozhudu pagai illai
Maranathai pola en manathirkku marundillai

Unnodu oru vaarthai pesathaan ninaithen,mudiyavillai
Nalindu vitta udal varudi nalam ketka thudithen,mudiyavillai
Indru un roja poo mugathil muthamida ninaikiren,mudiyavillai
Mutti varum kannerai mudivida ninaikiren,mudiyavillai

Poi vaa nanba poi vaa..

Un pakktahil enakkum oru padukkai virithu vai
Enrenum oru naal un arugil naan varuven
Innoru ponneram ennai thedi vanthaal
Kaalam oru sengolai en kaiyil thandaal
Un kanavum en kanavunm oru pozhudil niraiverum
Un kallarayin kaadhugalil nalla seidhi arangerum!!!!


My dear friend,my heartfelt,shower of diamonds,are you gone?
Sometime ago,in our youth,we ate out of the same plate and slept on the same bed,
Those memories wrench my heart
Our eyes are different,but our dreams are alike
Our hearts are different,but our memories are alike
Our fortresses are different,but are ideals are alike

Always seeking to be the best,you had to better me in death too!!

Where are the hands that garlanded me in my victory?
Where is the finger that dried my eyes?
Where is the voice that was my music, the lips that uttered my dialogues?
Where is the shoulder that bore my weight!

Would you never see me again?

I have no bitterness or enmity now
My heart has no medicine like death

I sought to speak one word with you,I couldn't
I sought to enquire after your health,I couldn't
Today, I wish to kiss your rose like face,I can't
I wish to stop my pouring,I can't...

Farewell my friend,Farewell!!!

Save a bed near you for me
Some day I will come to you

If another golden era came my way and the throne be mine..
Your dreams and mine will materialise in the one era
The ears of your tomb will receive the good news..



Anonymous said...


I liked this review somewhere in the middle, where you've actually semi-directed the shots to us. I think i actuallly saw that scene here through your words and not when i watched. I hardly remember the movie. Yeah i was in college too, but saw the movie only for ash rai's song which i faintly recollect.

Maniratnam played it safe i think in portraying MGR, it flopped big time at the box office is much better than having theatres burnt out for a wrong portrayal of what the masses conceived him to be.

Nice review....loved it.

bottled-imp said...

ah scout, i liked the way you intersperced your political experiences with the review. kind of gives a context in which the movie was made. I haven't seen this movie. am not sure if it was dubbed into telugu (do you know which is maniratnam's only telugu movie?). i listened to the songs on raaga.com. i liked only narumugayae (maybe because i remember listening to it earlier)

i hope more writings will flow out of you (including the unfinished ones).

Rajavel said...

lovely scout ! beautiful review ! Was able to relive through the lovely movie !!! absolutely !

Anonymous said...

hmm.. no mention about gauthami.. she was also there in the movie , right ?.

incidentally this was the first commercially flop movie of Mani, after a series of earlier hits (roja, nayakan etc)..

Arpana Sanjay said...

Aaah Scout aaaaaaaah....man what a treat this was!! I come back after a long time for a pipo and what do I see...? A fantabulous review on one of my all time favorite movies and a complete review at that too...touching on all the details!! great job dude!!

this makes me want to add my 2 bits here....
I was in my second year of college when Iruvar was released. My dad and I went to a theatre in Chennai to watch the movie...after the show we walked out silently, looked at each other and turned towards the ticket counter without a word to buy tickets for the next show.... :-) As most movies I like, this too bombed at the box office and till date not many of my friends have seen it....the few that have watched it insist that its too heavy.

I would have loved to see the scenes that were deleted from the original picture...a showdown between Revathi and Tabu and a chance meeting between Ash the Kalpana and Gouthami who plays Anandan's second wife. Apparently the scenes were removed days before the final release and there was quite a buzz before the picture came out.

Unnoda irunda mani thuzhi is one of the most powerful pieces of poetry I have heard...I dont read or write the Tamil language and so dont understand a lot of the words...but after all these years, I still get the goosebumps when I hear that song!! Udal mannukku is another masterpiece...Arvind does a good job with the emotion but as wonderful and strong Arvind's voice is...his Tamil diction sucks...even I can enunciate better!! you are absolutely right about the music...ARR's work is stunning as are Vairamuthu's lyrics...they imitate the style of music and lyrics of the older days, but infuse a freshess...the smart use of old world instruments is so charming in songs like pookodiyin punnagai and narumugaye...as is the picturization...BnW, sepia tones...older costumes, sets and choreography all make it wonderful...the picturization of Ayirathil naan oruvan and kannai katti kolladey are closely constructed after MGR's songs...That was well done too...didn't MGR act in a movie called Ayirathil Naan Oruvan?

Prakash Raj was awesome in the movie...the first time I saw him act was in his debut Kannada TV serial set about a detective in Mangalore...In those days he was Prakash Rai. I wonder why they could not have had him recite the poetry in the movie...

I still have the old cassette I bought and I put it to good use... :-) Its dusty and abused, but the music is gold!!

sorry for the long deconstruct...but this was one heckuva trip down happy lane for me...its great to find someone who likes this movie as much as I do... :-)

Do write more scout!!

Scout said...


Thanks..:-) Yes Ash was awesome.It was her debut movie.

Even I thought that he had played it safe,from what I had heard about from friends.But after seeing the movie ,I liked the angle he projected ..it was more like a poetry..


AKA IDDARU - That is the telugu version of IRUVAR imp

Thanks for reading it..I was sure,given the length,nobody was going to read it!!!

Narumugayae is a lovely song and has been beautifully picturised too..It is a song from the Movie(where Anandan is the hero) in the Movie,and is interspersed with scenes from “Iruvar”.

Inspite of ypur jab at the unfinished ones,ahem…I will write more..thanks

And ofcourse I know the Telugu movie,after all..you know


Thank you :-)


Sorry for missing Gouthami..I can never get your eye for detail..:-(

I think Gouthami spoke in her original voice in the movie..It was horrible.......!!!

She did a good job.But looked old..her face was all puffed up,nothing like the Gouthami of 'Devar Magan'...


Err..Its dudette :-)
Ur Daddy is so kool

Didnt know there was a showdown bet Tabu n Revathi!!But then the movie was already lengthy.I was getting fidgety during Kalpana’s scenes..It could be because of Ash’s acting though!

“Unnodu naan irunda ovvoru manithuliyum
maranappadukkayilum marakkadhu kanmaniyae..”

The whole thing gives Tamilchelvam’s adultery a poetic and passionate finesse..!!!

I guess Prakash Raj has better chance of acceptance than Prakash Rai in Tamilnadu...could have changed his name becuz of that.He is a K .Balachander find ..! He speaks good telugu too!!I dont know why he was not allowed to recite the poetry..Swamy is good with the emotions..i am not denying it..but the pronounciation…arrghhh

Yes..MGR did act in a movie “Aayirathil oruvan”.He even acted in a movie where his name was “Udaya Suriyan”,the symbol of DMK.

Please do not apologize for the deconstruct..keep them coming and thanks

Hope Floats,

Thank you :-)

Totally agree with you when you say its not a cakewalk.Mani has done a awesome job.

The only thing I like about the Dravidian movement is the Tamil..I love the language these leaders spout.."OdinaaL..OdinaaL..vaazhkkain ellaikae OdinaaL.." - what a writing!!

I guess after Nayagan,Iruvar is going to be my fav Mani movie..err..there is Mouna Ragam..tough choice...:(

bharath said...

I had to skip the story because., err ... I haven't yet seen the movie, but I had been meaning to all this time. really! :)

hey, true enough. I think I was kinda raised in a similarly chraged environment. The house owners of our apartment were great followers/fans of the dravidian movement.

Anonymous said...

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G said...


Super review man...relived the movie...and I remember Kalignar's (Kalaignar I say 'cause thats how everyone refers to him now DMK supporter or not) high praise for Prakash Raj at the Chennai Sangaman festival, likening him to Sivaji Ganesan...no praise gets higher than when your Tamizh diction is compared to Sivaji's..

Didn't notice the malayalam when I watched it earlier...this has to be my favourite Mani Ratnam movie but just by a wee bit...

People have complained, like you said of it being heavy, and that it was slow. I thought it the movie moved at a brisk pace. My friend and I watched it on DVD a few years back and at the end all we did was look at each other and utter that four letter word of wonder and amazement. The hangover was such that we went on a Mani Ratnam marathon that ended up lasting a good 12 or so hours.

I don't read write or even claim to understand poetry...but Iruvar has and will continue to have me hooked to Tamil poetry. Do you have the words and translation of Udal Manikku and Unnodu Naan Irundha??If you do can you please email it me at gauthamsubramaniam@gmail.com . Thanks and keep them coming :-)